Magic love spells that work for real

Affirmations are positive statements that help to fulfill your desires. It is important to draw up proposals that the universe can hear your request.

Rules and recommendations

Positive affirmations are not always working. The thing is that it is necessary to compile and pronounce them according to a certain rules.

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They are as follows:

  1. You have to pronounce your desire as if it came true. Not “I want a new car”, and “I have a car that matches my needs.”
  2. Avoid the “not” particles. The universe does not perceive it and fulfill your desire with an accuracy of the opposite. Not “I’m not sick,” and “I have good health.”
  3. Make sure the desire is truly yours. For example, if your mom wants you to get a job as an engineer, repeating “I am an engineer in organizing N”, you will not achieve anything if you do not want it. Better repeat “I found a job that I like and brings income sufficient for a high standard of living.”
  4. You can not make a desire, which is associated with a specific person. Affirmation “Alexey made me a sentence” will not work, because Alexey may not want it at all. Better repeat “I am happily married to a man who fits me in all respects.”
  5. Single pronounced thought has no power. Pay attention to one positive approval at least 15 minutes per day.
  6. The desire must be environmentally friendly and does not bring any harm to anyone. Therefore, in the end, always add: “The desire is executed for my and universal good.”
  7. Consider that the Universe can fulfill your dream at all as I would like. For example, you will make a new apartment, and get it inheritance after the death of your favorite parents. Therefore, do not ask for something soon, look at things real.
  8. Insert the emotions to what pronounce. The soulless and mechanical repetition of the same word of force has no power. Therefore, you can pronounce “I am happy that I found the work of my dreams”, “I am grateful to the universe for a new phone” and so on.
  9. It is very important not to ask for money or repaying loans. Never say: “I repaid loans” or “I got rid of debts.” Money will come themselves if you direct the energy to fulfill such desire as searching for profitable and beloved work, for example.
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Next, consider specific examples of affirmations for different life situations.

Affirmations to work

Before you start practicing, put a clear goal. What do you want to achieve? “For a person who does not know what pier he holds the way, no wind will not be passing.”

That’s why:

  • Take a piece of paper, handle and formulate your goal. What is it? Do you want to get advantageous supplies of employers? Successfully pass an interview? Or increase sales plan this month?
  • Then make up the text of a positive approval according to the rules set out in the previous section of our article.

Here are examples of affirmations to work:

  1. If you do not know who you want to be, and you want to find a job, which will make pleasure and, that is important, good money: “I found the work of my dream, which suits me in all respects.”
  2. If you want to go to work in a specific organization: “I work in the company N as a position that suits me the most common.”
  3. If you want to increase the salary: “My income N thousand rubles or more.” Do not ask for a specific amount, because it is possible that the universe will want to give you more.
  4. For career growth: “I received the position above the one I take.”

By analogy, you can independently come up with the best affirmations that are suitable specifically for your situation. And never ask for money from the Universe – if you find your purpose, your favorite thing, they will come and so.

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Spells to make a man love you

Attract love

In attracting love, it is especially important to take into account that it is impossible to interfere in the desire and intentions of other people. Therefore, never ask the universe of mutual feelings from a particular person, the proposals of the hand and hearts from the guy, with whom you meet now.

It is better to make more neutral wording, but be prepared for surprises. For example, repeating “I am married for your beloved man,” you will suddenly part with the current partner, because the universe will decide that it does not suit you at all.

But changes in any case will be good for you – you can meet a completely different man, with which build happy and harmonious relationships.

Examples of love affirmations:

  • For girls in search: “I have a lot of fans who want a relationship with me”, “I met a man who fits me in all respects”, “I have happy and harmonious relationships with your loved one and loving man.”
  • For girls in a relationship: “I got an offer to get married,” “We have happy and harmonious relationships with my man.”
  • For married: “I am happy that our relationship with your husband is becoming better with every day.”

Check out video with examples of affirmations for every day:

For men

Affirmations for men do not differ from female. All the same: we are determined with the goal and correctly formulate positive statements.


  • “I was successful and took place as a person.”
  • “I become more successful, smarter and richer every day.”
  • “My career is constantly going into growth.”
  • “I found the work of my dreams.”
  • “My income is enough to buy everything I need and like.”
  • “I am in a relationship with a woman who fits me in all respects.”
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In working with health it is especially important not to make a mistake and make the right text. Consider the most popular errors and examples:

  1. You can not say “I am no longer sick”, the universe will hear it as “I am sick.” Therefore, we repeat: “I am absolutely healthy”, “my health is improving every day.”
  2. You can not say “I lost 10 kilograms.” You can achieve what seriously getting sick and deplete these 10 kg as a result of poor well-being. Therefore: “My figure is slender and beautiful,” “I look slim and tightened.”
  3. The same with bad habits. Do not say: “I do not smoke” or “I quit smoking.” Better repeat: “I lead a healthy and active lifestyle”, “I am free from the dependences of any kind.”

Important moment: In the case of health, you can repeat affirmations aimed at other people, because they themselves want to cure. But with the text you need to add emotions.

For example: “I am happy that my daughter is completely healthy.” Or: “I am glad that my husband leads a healthy lifestyle.”

Positive affirmations will help to set up consciousness for the best way and attract the power of the universe to fulfill your desire.

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