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The alignment of the “12 houses of Tarot”, also known as the “horoscope”, acts as a universal astrological layout, with which you can get an answer to any question you are interested in.

But it is best to use fortune telling in order to reveal the features of the person (his or someone else). In the “12 homes” cards must be laid in a circle of twelve homes, and then they study manifestations of a person in different areas of life.

What will tell this alignment

  1. It allows you to better understand myself, provides a detailed psychological sweating of a person’s personality.
  2. Helps a tarologist to allocate a number of major difficulties, important aspects regarding the current state of the asking in those situations where it is difficult for him to competently compile his question and he came for “just fortune.”
  3. As a traditional outcome for the future, it works in 2 variations:
  • as a prediction for a year (or another specific period of time) or on twelve areas of life;
  • As a forecast for twelve months (on the map of each month).
  1. Also with it, you can analyze the relationship:
  • make an objective view of the partner;
  • Get a subjective description of the partner (that this person should bring to my life?);
  • Analyze the relationship concerning different areas of life (2 decks are used).
  1. Describe the real marriage alliance (its future prospects), make a “portrait” of the family.
  2. In addition, the “horoscope” can use in a number of other situations:
  • when changing the place of residence;
  • acquisition of real estate;
  • changing jobs;
  • when solving other issues;
  • search for lost things;
  • Diagnosis.

Features of the defold

To fully interact with this layout, it is important to understand the features of its internal structure, as well as own Azami astrology.

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Spells to make a man love you

What is the house? Zodiac signs, for example, we can see in the sky, and the house is binding to a specific place. When a person is born, some of the signs of the zodiac goes back to the horizon line, and some kind of coming. Due to the daily rotation of the Earth, the planet is alternately in all zodiac constellations. And the house, in contrast to the zodiac constellations, is not a sensation, but a certain sphere of life, a decoration in which there is some action.

Now we will deal with the main layout of “12 houses”. For him, it is necessary to separate the twelve arcanes from the deck and decompose them in a circle so that 6 are from above, 6 below the same way as 12 houses of the horoscope.

Each house is distinguished by a certain value, namely:

  • 1 House – its zodiacal compliance – Aries, the ruler – Mars. It characterizes directly human with all its manifestations, features of the physical body. What stereotypes he holds the area of ​​his leadership.
  • 2 House – Zodiacal Compliance Taurus, Planet-User Venus. He will tell about savings, the level of vitality, monetary and spiritual values ​​of man. Feature of its nutrition, ideas about a comfortable life, the ability to make money.
  • 3 House – is a storehouse of information, learning. Its zodiacal correspondence – Gemini, Planet Mercury. The house has communication with communication, neighboring travels. In addition, there are not very close friends friends, neighbors, all the entourage of man. How he receives and generates information.
  • 4 House – He will guide the roots of man. This is the area of ​​its upbringing. Here manifests the figure of the mother. Zodiacal compliance – cancer, planet moon. 4 The house is responsible for the emotional manifestations and reactions of the subconscious. These include complexes from childhood, traditions, pregnancy, depth, subconscious processes. He also shows the ability of a person to stand on his feet.
  • 5 House – gives the characteristic of creativity, pleasure and happiness. His zodiac sign – Lion, Planet-ruler Sun. He is responsible for creative self-expression, various games and excitement. Unlike 2 houses (body comfort), 5 house provides comfort to the soul. It is in this house that children and manifestations are passing as a child – freedom of creativity and emotions. House of love.
  • 6 House – Speaker area of ​​submission. Responsible to the zodiac constellation of the Virgin. This house does not include pathology themselves, but measures for their prevention, different diets, treatment – the need to adhere to some particular day. This also includes the clarification of interpersonal relationships.
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  • 7 House is responsible for relationships with a loved one. But in this case, the relationship is organized and protruding more agreements. For example, if in the 5th house the relationship is manifested in the form of love, in 6 – as an obligation, then in 7 this is a marriage union that must be applied officially, configured. The house is responsible for the partnership in a more extensive sense of the word – this is both business partners, and open ill-wishers, and opponents. It also characterizes the presence of a significant difference between partners – or sexual (representatives of strong and weak floors), or material, in business and the like.
  • 8 House – Death. It is a rather problematic and unpleasant home, which is manifested by any catastrophes and crisis situations. In general, all crisis moments in the human life are most of its desires that were not implemented. But 8 house has even fatal meaning, as it is not connected just with the blows of fate, but with transformations, transformation. This is also a house of surgical interventions and intimate connections. This includes any powerful emotional experiences, what is able to bring a person from the rut. This is an area of ​​inheritance, receiving money from other people, but not in the form of gifts, but as a result of some tragic incidents. Zodiac constellation – Scorpio, Planet Management – Pluto.
  • 9 house. The area of ​​the border. The sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius corresponds to a variety of expansion, expansion, travel abroad, contacts with representatives of other states, studying someone else’s culture. Based on the experience gained, a person can form his own worldview, its vital credo.
  • 10 House – acts as a reflection of human life purposes. The house is associated with the constellation of Capricorn. It also characterizes the man’s career, the social level he wants to achieve. House of ambitions.
  • 11 House – the area of ​​ideals, ideas, groups and people with similar life positions. In this house, people do not just communicate with each other, as in the 3 houses, but relate to the general egregor, are associated with shared areas, common goals. These include friends who are often becoming closer to relatives. Getting support from such people, relationships with them.
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Even here it applies that for a person is an ideal, is his innermost dreams and plans for further events.

  • 12 The house is a place of restrictions, and for the most part these restrictions are voluntary (that is, self-sacrifice), asceticism, privacy, meditative practices. This also includes pathologies, as a result of which a person is condensed to bed. Usually they appear in life when a person needs to be for some time alone with himself, to rethink his life. The sign of the zodiac with which the house is connected – fish.

At the end of the topic it is worth viewing an interesting video:

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