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Today, there are a wide variety of meditative techniques, but not one of them cannot be given a major role, because the meaning of all meditations is the achievement of harmony and pacification. Quite common is the meditation of Kundalini, which is more detailed that we will consider in this material.

Who is Osho (Kundalini Meditation)

Candra Mohan Jein, who later began to call Osho, is a fairly controversy figure, which contemporaries evaluate very ambiguously. Many compatriots Osho treated him very suspiciously, as he expressed a critical attitude towards the personality of the famous Mahatma Gandhi, he was also constantly attributed to participating in various destructive organizations and sects.

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Osho became famous for the fact that the ancient traditions of yoga rethought, thereby gaining the fame of the reformer and a very extraordinary person. For life, they were founded by 7 Ashram around the globe, and when Chandra Mohan died, he was counted for the category of spiritual teachers.

There is a version that the Great Teacher accepted the name of Osho from his followers, it causes an association with the English Word “Ocean” and symbolizes infinity. Such a name is simply ideal for the basic idea, put forward by Osho, which lies in immersion in the world in which there are no attachments. And in order to be able to immerse yourself in this necessary reality, Osho advised to use meditative practice, promoting the release of the human spirit and enlightenment.

Osho attributed meditation not to the category of familiar practices, but indicated that it is more represents a special state of human consciousness.

The teacher left behind a lot of his works (books, meditative practices), one of the basic meditations, the author of which is Candra Mohan Jein, is the meditation of Kundalini.

Kundalini energy – what it is

Kundalini performs hidden spiritual energy. It is represented in the human body in the form of a rope formed by energy threads intertwined with each other. When this energy is activated, it passes through the vertex pillar and makes a person free.

In a sleeping condition, the energy of Kundalini helps the body to accumulate power. It is Kundalini that acts as a power source for a subtle energy shell, it is often called “love.”

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It is determined by the fact that Kundalini is absolutely indifferent to your actions or their absence – it will still love you as you are in addition, the energy of Kundalini knows about all your actions and feelings, about your joys and sophors.

In the process of energy release, it fills our body by force, climbs up the ridge through five chakras, reaching the limbic area of ​​the brain, after which it finds an output through the Temkock region. At the exit of the body, the energy of Kundalini joins all world energy.

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To understand how this happens in practice, it is necessary to imagine what force is the intentions of all people living on earth, and add more natural and space energy here. It is to this source that will connect the energy released from the man’s temple. Then everything that has already happened or just going to happen, it will be available for our central nervous system.

Of course, to learn how to enter such a condition, years will need for long practices. Beginners at the same time should enlist the support of their teacher.

Kundalini Energy Source

A person gets the energy of Kundalini before his appearance. When the embryo is in the maternal womb and reached three months old, the energy begins to flow through the brain of the embryo, refraarting on the 4 channel of the nervous system. When the energy was held the Rodnichka region, it turns out first in oblong, after which in the spinal cord. After that, the stream of energy proceeds along the spine and remains in its foundation, turning into 3.5 turns.

When the umbilical cord is cut in the central energy channel, a break occurs. If we talk about a physical body, then it is in the middle from the field of solar plexus and a wandering nerve. In the process of the development of the super-ego, the solidification of spring bone occurs, and the child gradually loses its connection with this energy flow.

How to meditate

  1. In order for any meditative practice to bring a positive result, it must be carried out systematically.
  2. Also an important aspect is the lack of a rush and a calm, comfortable setting. Turn off your mobile phone in advance and take care to no one distracted you from meditation.
  3. It is best to meditate on an empty stomach (when a person just walked, the blood begins to actively circulate on the digestive organs, which is why the concentration of attention is reduced).
  4. The most suitable time will be earlier in the morning (after awakening) or late evening (before going to sleep).
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Kundalini Meditation Instructions

Kundalini meditative practice is represented by 4 stages. The total duration of practice is an hour, and each of the parts is 15 minutes.

The figure 15 is not random – Osho after studying the treatises of Western experts of psychology and psychotherapy, came to the conclusion that a person is able to concentrate its attention on fifteen-minute activity, after which the concentration of attention is reduced. Therefore, it was the number 15 that has become a unit of measurement in this practice.

The teacher also recorded special music for classes, which in the initial stages facilitates the concentration of attention.

Consider on more detail all the stages of Kundalini meditation.

First step

  • It is necessary to include special music and smoothly stand up.
  • Start shaking – it is important that absolutely all parts of the body participate in the shaking, it should all feel the movement and stream of energy. You can perform shaking both open and covered with eyes.

Shaking at the first stage eliminates the various internal blocks and reduces the degree of self-control.

Second phase

  • Start dancing – while the dance can be any: with smooth or sharp movements, slow or fast – it does not matter. The main thing at this stage will allow the body to relax and feel good.

Third stage

  • It is necessary to stop, cover your eyes and stop. It is permissible to do this in a sitting or standing position, the most important thing is that your spin is straight, otherwise the Kundalini energy will not be able to circulate. At first, you will most likely feel it in the vertebral post – do not rush to get upset, everything will come in the process of practice.
  • Then you need to pull the abdominal muscles and feel the elasticity of your body. Since you will not move, thoughts will begin to appear in the mind – you do not need to worry, all this is normal. You should simply watch them, but try not to respond emotionally. As if this is not your personal thoughts, but the thoughts of another person.

Fourth stage

  • You need to lie on the floor, cover your eyes and do not move. At the same time, watch your thoughts.

During the past hour, you were able to fulfill a deep immersion practice. Now your body is configured to clean power, freed from the tension, you are calm and watch everything slightly removed, from the position of an outsider. At the very end, after the fourth stage, when you lay motionless on the floor, we advise you to get up, without opening your eyes, and stand up so for ten and fifteen minutes. During this time, watch the silence and feel your strength.

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If at first you did not feel the passage of Kundalini’s energy in your spine, do not be discouraged. For beginners initially, it may be necessary to need from three to four weeks daily practitioner before you can free up energy.

It is important not to control the result, but more focus on the process itself.

Three times to resort to Kundalini meditation

  • You can get rid of bad thoughts. Even if you are not able to free the energy of Kundalini, you still get rid of anger, resentment and start taking yourself as you are.
  • Meditation helps produce useful habits. The human brain is formed by the eightweight billions of nerve cells that have a connection with each other. If today you saw a person in the same as you, clothes and upset, then if a similar situation will repeat tomorrow, you will experience sadness again. This is how the creation of stable connections between the neurons groups is. Neurons run neurotransmitters over these channels. Neurotransmitters are “news messengers.” And when you again see a person in your clothes, the brain commands the neurotransmitters “start upset”, which happens in reality. This takes strengthening habits in your psyche.

When you resort to Kundalini’s meditation, you get the opportunity to “catch” the moment in which you really aware of everything that happens. At the same time, you can act freely, take advantage of this freedom to make other actions this time. This will be the formation of new neural connections and habits.

  • Harmoniously complete your day. Thanks to meditation, you get rid of tension and fatigue. And instead of keeping emotions, you get rid of them quite an eco-friendly way with this practice.

At the end of this article, we also advise you to view informative video.

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